As part of its 25th anniversary, Puerto Ventanas wanted to leave a legacy to new generations. The book “Puchuncaví Desde la Ventana” is a contribution to Puchuncaví’s identity, to its residents’ personal footprint, and as a highlight on the beauty of its geography. This book gives the story of the community, its people, its customs, and beautiful geography through the period and current photographs.
The port’s history is deeply linked to Puchuncaví’s. That is why Puerto Ventanas, published this edition as a tribute to the local people and history. The commune has very few related information on its history, its past, and customs in its different stages. That is the reason the book becomes a valuable contribution for young people, who will be able to learn more of their ancestors and Puchuncaví traditions.
In 150 pages with narrations, drawings, and photos, “Puchuncaví Desde la Ventana” gathers different elements of the community’s identity, creating a vision of the local history of the locality, ranging from the pre-Columbian period to our days.
As part of its launch, and to add to its local distribution, an interactive exhibition was held at the facilities of the Puerto Abierto community center. The goal of this exhibition was to generate more interest and motivate new generations to learn about Puchuncavi and raise awareness about its identity.
The exhibition was open to the public for a month and was visited by 2,870 people. It was especially nurturing for 1,350 students coming from 14 schools, 49% of the total number of students in the locality. It was also attended by members of social and cultural organizations, families and tourists from the area and the region.
This initiative’s realization generated a virtuous circle; first, the exhibition stimulates the interest and extends this edition, promoting readership and the book’s use as a reference tool.