Awards and Certifications

Awards and Certifications


With its Integrated Management System (IMS), Puerto Ventanas manages each detail to take care of the environment, quality, energy, safety, and occupational health. Among the milestones of our growth in implementing our management system are:
2008- ISO 9001 certification for Quality Management;
2013- ISO 14.001 for Environmental Management;
2013- OHSAS 18.001 certification for Occupational Health and Safety:
2015 – ISO 50.001 for Energy Management Systems;
2016 – EcoPorts certification, the only port-exclusive international standard for Environmental Management, becoming the first port in Chile to be awarded this European recognition.

The permanent revision and monitoring for our management indicators have contributed to the development of our business in terms of excellence and sustainable management, allowing us to leverage its strategic vision. One of the critical processes supporting this goal is our internal auditing system, which is systematically planned each semester. These provide evidence that the activities from the Integrated Management System in terms of quality, environment, security, energy, and occupational health follow the statutory requirements and the current orpeatonal regulations