In our view of a sustainable operation, we believe that a company can only prosper and project itself in the long term if -along with providing value to stockholders - it creates value for today’s society and the future generations. We look to achieve the highest standards in the industry in operational efficiency, protection for the safety and health of our workers, the environmental performance of excellence, and our permanent integrating with the community, to contribute to their development and quality of life.
Puerto Ventanas S.A.’s environmental management is standardized through its Environmental Management System, in line with the ISO 14.001/2005 standard requirements. In 2017, Puerto Ventanas’ Environmental Management System was recertified by the latest version of this norm, integrating strategic aspects for our business, such as a risk-based environmental management approach in our operations, an exhaustive analysis of business processes and strengthening leadership at all levels of the company, as the base of success for environmental management. This has helped us in integrating environmental management in our business process, strategy and decision making at all levels.
Likewise, Puerto Ventanas S.A.’s Environmental Management System allows us to create a verifiable way to systematically and proactively manage the entire organization to protect the environment.