Puerto Ventanas is committed to the community and its links are based in relationships of trust and transparency. We keep a permanent dialogue and develop initiatives with different players in the community, to contribute to the generation of shared value.
In November 2012 the Centro Comunitario Puerto Abierto was inaugurated, as a space to articulate programs and initiatives to respond to the multiple needs arisen from the community and to be a leading player in their development.
Over the past five years, Puerto Abierto has placed itself as a space that is valued by the community of Puchuncaví, where we promote cultural and cooperative initiatives, such as shows, workshops, and courses, in partnership with other cultural, artistic, academic and social actors in the region.
Puerto Abierto is a private non-profit organization with a board of directors represented by Puerto Ventanas S.A.´s General, Finance and Sustainability managers. The management of this corporation is led by a General Manager whose primary mission is to implement its masterplan, to secure efficient use of the resources and ensure active participation of the community in all of Puerto Abierto’s activities.